
Upgrade your switchboard with a safety switch

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Upgrade your switchboard with a safety switch

Safety switches safe lives

Electrical faults and appliances are a common cause of house fires in NSW every year but they don’t need to be. These fires could have been prevented by the simple installation of safety switches, designed to switch off the electricity supply in just 30 milliseconds if an earth leakage electrical fault is detected.

The NSW Government is urging homeowners to have safety switches installed in their homes as part of a new campaign aimed at ramping up the electrical safety of homes across the state.

The campaign, led by NSW Fair Trading and SafeWork NSW, seeks to promote the importance of safety switches in every NSW home.

The new campaign will be delivered with a number of industry partners including unions, energy retailers and CHOICE to educate and encourage NSW homeowners to install switches and undertake regular checks.

How do you know if you need to get your switchboard checked out?

Do you have the old porcelain fuses and unprotected circuits on your current fuse box or switchboard? If you do, they are not safe and no longer meet the minimum standards for safety (AS3000:2018). To ensure your family’s safety, homes should have individual safety switches, one on each circuit, to protect against electric shock and electrocution. Safety switches work by monitoring the flow of current through the circuit they’re installed on. When the flow is normal, the switches stay on, but if a safety switch detects an earth leakage fault, it trips and will switch off the power supply in just 30 milliseconds, saving you from possible electrocution, electric shock or serious injury.

Simply give our team a call on 9477 2550, and we will be able to let you know if you need your switchboard inspected and upgraded with just a few questions. We can offer you an obligation-free quote for upgrades, so it meets or exceeds the minimum standard for safety and gives you the peace of mind of knowing your home and family are safe.